Thursday, September 22, 2011

Good or Blog 29

New time slot, new problems! This is:

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Kicking off the new semester on a Sunday of all days, Me, John, and newcomer Arman kick off the semester with some OLD releases bunched in with the new ones. The winter season is upon us my friends, choose your purchases carefully. Adam (my boss who can take me off air at any moment) provides a bit of distraction early on and then we promptly move into some recent upcoming game announcements.

After the break we talk about an awesome old free shmup from the ghost of Gears of War's past. Then Star Wars. After that everyone dons their weaboo hats and we discuss the merits of Eastern style video games versus Western pandering. This devolves into everybody hating everyone else's opinion. John, I'm looking at you.

We cap the show off, as always, with a short but sweet music segment. Stay tuned to hear John flip his shit and mash sound board buttons like a child!

Oh yeah, we also have new sound effects.

The episode awaits here:

And the compendium of previous episodes is likely to devour you here: 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good or Blog 28

The end of an era marks the beginning of another, this is:
Gotta say bye eventually.

Taylor is moving to Austin, but we refuse to let this be a somber event, talking about video games, music, and fisting. We get things started by recapping the summer and talking about the likes of Kane & Lynch 2 and the recently released Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Then we get into a modicum of news and discuss the membership benefits of the PC gaming master race.

In segment 2 we talk a bit about game trailers as well as cheap and/or free video games. In particular, Spiral Knights is quite the catch! (spoilers) Finally we get around to the farewells proper, and Taylor espouses what it means to be Taylor. Cue the sad music and turn down the lights.

The third segment begins with our amazement at receiving an actual caller! From there we talk a bit about music and cap off the evening with previews of what’s to come and thanks for what has gone. Trust me, it’s hilarious.

The episode can be gotten here:

And the compendium of previous episodes lies in wait here: 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII Review

When it comes to Final Fantasy XIII, everyone has an opinion. Those opinions usually begin with “I’m a huge fan of Final Fantasy...” and end with “...but this game is a complete piece of shit.” Well I have an opinion about Final Fantasy Thirteen, and it includes neither of those phrases because it turns out I actually really liked the game.


A while back (actually exactly a year ago: weird) I reviewed Final Fantasy Twelve and proclaimed that I didn’t “get” Final Fantasy. I don’t think that’s changed. I probably still don’t get it. But perhaps Final Fantasy has started getting me. I honestly expected myself to absolutely hate the shit out of Final Fantasy XIII. I mean, all I had ever heard about the game was that it was boring, a straight line, and had an incomprehensible plot. To the world it was a cash-grab where Squeenix watered down its works for the masses. Everyone told me it was an insult to video games and the people who played them. Everyone told me it brutally murdered and raped years of fine RPG tradition then spit on their graves, and that the art of the JRPG was truly dead now that a series so heralded as Final Fantasy had sold out to the casuals. Everyone told me that Final Fantasy XIII was a Bad Game.

Everyone lied.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sean Games: The Best of the Worst

Let's be honest, we all make some pretty poor purchasing decisions from time to time. I remember saving for months - mowing lawns, pulling weeds, and babysitting spoiled brats that watched Tom and Jerry and ruined Lego creations - just to buy Scooby-Doo Mystery for the SNES. It was a poorly designed licensed game that controlled like garbage, had around three songs and four levels. I liked Scooby-Doo and was also eight, not exactly in the prime of my consumer decision making abilities.

Now imagine if all the purchases you made were bad decisions. Imagine seeing a deal on marked down video games, twenty dollars each say, and going ahead and buying five at a time. You will probably never play them, and you probably won't enjoy the ones you do. Sooner or later you can't even remember what a good game feels like. Everything you buy, all the games you play begin to oversaturate the thought-space you've set aside for video games until all your experiences become simple manipulation of the neurons in your brain. Can you imagine never getting that taste - that taste of bland, of average, of the poorly programmed and the poorly designed, of the lazy - out of your mouth? Can you imagine living in the boring haze of the cheap, picking the bones of the dying for every tiny achievement and every scant five minutes of enjoyment? Can you imagine being my friend, Sean?

You see, Sean's life is full of the poor purchasing decisions the rest of us have come to regret. I figure he just has no sense of regret, but the point is that Sean no longer has any concept of what a good video game is, which is strange because he owns more video games that almost everyone I know. He just happens to be a frightening statistical anomaly in that nearly all of them are bad. So I was not expecting much when I stole a few games from him while staying at his apartment in Houston during Spring Break.

I was still disappointed.

"How's this... Darksiders?" I say, holding up the case so my friend Shawn can see. We're sitting in Sean's apartment (yes that gets confusing), on the floor, rifling through a pile of his games that we've shoved off a swiveling case next to his TV.

"Meh." Shawn replies. The sun is setting and we're all ready to leave, facing an hour and a half drive back to College Station to drop me off then a 12 hour drive to El Paso for everyone else. It's a weird twilight that's sort of dark but the pools of light burned into the rug eliminates the necessity for ceiling lights, so everything is darker than it should be. All my other friends - including Sean - stand around us and impatiently wait for us to finish our thievery.  

"I like the sound of that. What's it about?"

"It's metal Zelda."

And so it was.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good or Blog 27

I am in tears! Good or Blog Amazing Fantastic Audio Program comes to an end for the foreseeable future in:

He sure seems surprised.

For the last episode of the semester we take things easy, just have a slow going, relaxing, run of the mill program. EXCEPT NOT REALLY. The whole gang joins for a final blast of hilarity in the form of a clip show. But before that we discuss The Art of Video Games, and some quick new releases.

We end on a somber tone this week as the Amazing FAP comes to a close. Could this be the end of GorBAFAP? Listen to find out!

And here is the compendium:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Good or Blog 26

My ears hurt! This must be:
My phone has a shitty camera. Sue me.

I can't tell you how many times I've driven to Austin to see Anamanaguchi play a live show. Wait. Yes I can. Once. But we here at GorBAFAP don't go North too often, so this is kind of a big deal. Alongside the interesting punk rock road trip we also talk about... sigh... Harry Potter, but also some more CODYBLOPS, games about abortion, a certain awesome fan translation, and a bit more 3DS.

Segment 2 has some gator talk, and I play a few more My Little Pony clips. It is truly bizarre. There's also a pretty interesting freebie of the week and we talk about... THE FUTURE.

Finally, for the music segment I play some save game music, some serene and some pretty bumpin', we discover Taylor doesn't know how to work headphones, and we get some pretty sweet harmonies. 

If you want to get a shout out for the last episode, don't forget to put your handle, or name or whatever on this here list:

As always here is the link to the episode:

And here is the compendium:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Good or Blog 25

GET OVER HERE uh... ya'll? It's Good or Blog Amazing Fantastic Audio Program: Episode 25!

Is it just me, or is his finger impossibly long?

You will not believe the amount of disinterest this crew can muster for so many exciting things! Portal 2 came out and those collected have experienced a grand total of twenty minutes which all belong to me, so  expect discussion in that area to be limited. We also discuss the new Mortal Kombat in further depth and investigate the current PSN debacle, the new Nintendo console and some boring FTC junk! Also I challenge everyone listening to get mad at Taylor for drinking his goddamn soda so close to the mic. Taylor, please die.

Segment 2 sees us discussing alcoholic beverages and Russian first person shooters. We then go into the merits of shameless remakes and shitty ports. FASCINATING.

Finally, the music segment has music and very little else in the way of on topic discussion. I also make the startling announcement that there will be no show next semester, making the next few episodes the last. I hope you are very broken up about this. To help temper your crippling sadness I've made it possible to write your name down (or hell make up a name) and you will become part of the final GorBAFAP. Limited time offer so act now!

Just add your name to the list here:

Finally, here are your download sources:

Pretty dang kawaii

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good or Blog 24

Good or Blog transitions into 3D! Listen in to the ramblings of madmen who are supposed to be talking about the Nintendo 3DS!

I guess we sorta do?

Whoa we be talkin' about video games! We do this to the sweet sultry background tones of Jesus: Kyōfu no Bio Monster. I... I have no idea why! Going into news we discuss the impending bombshell of Portal 2 (which is no longer impending) as well as some of the far less relevant releases of the week. We also go into some talk of the 3DS which I have totally touched with my own hands! It's all pretty exciting and culminates in some more anime talk and a bit of the old Blazblue! (I love my Blazblue)

There is also far too much discussion about the stupidity of the Harry Potter universe. Can someone explain why this keeps coming up? I really cannot. 

Segment 2 provides proof of the existence of ghosts! I talk about a cool satirical RPG as well as some amazing steam deals and the nature of reality. It really is quite the adventure. (Not really, I just wanted an excuse to play a song made by a Japanese robot girl)

Finally, there's a music segment that everyone can get along with. We play some video game dubstep remixes and comment on their utter badness or lack thereof. Come along on a fantastic voyage of beats and bass!

The GorB Compendium resides at this location:

And the single episode rests here:

Also, try and keep this on the down low, but if you listen to this wonderful program regularly you should somehow contact me with your handle or real name so I can give shout outs during the last episode of this semester. Shhhhh....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good or Blog 23

Lord have mercy, the sounds of the savior are taking over! It's... IT'S... GOOD OR BLOG AMAZING FANTASTIC AUDIO PROGRAM 23!
It's... a metaphor?

We kick off this very special episode by talking about some mediocre weekly releases and also the animes! In particular, we're joined by fellow radio show host Tad of Anytime is Train Time to talk about the impending live action Akira, as well as some Mortal Kombat, some huntin' gaemz, and the finer points of World War 2 era sniping!

In segment 2, GorBAFAP get's a spiritual advisor in the form of Aaron Gillespie of Underoath and The Almost fame. We talk about tattoos, the best continent, and every now and then a little bit of that Jesus guy. He woos us, serenades us, and just as quickly disappears into the aether. Quite the guy!

We cap off the episode with a quick music segment playing host to some relaxing songs and another case of Pokemon theft as well as some prospective GorB shirts. A possibility? No. Definitely no. You should listen solely for the finer points of Japanese for native English speakers at the end!

So here are the links to the GorB Compendium* - The main vault, has all episodes this season.

And in case you didn't notice, there are in fact two versions of this week's show. I know not everyone is crazy for Jesus, so I took the liberty of making a few key edits in the Aaron Gillespie interview. Hopefully you will find this version more politically correct. - GorB 23 (sans Jesus)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pokémon Black and White Group Review

Sergio entered the room.
Gilbert entered the room.
Shawn entered the room.
Sergio: who wants to review some poke mans
Shawn: no one apparently
Sergio: well okay
Sergio: how about we start with why we each picked up this generation
Sergio: SERGIO: uh
Sergio: otter clan?
Sergio: yes
Shawn: pig clan?
Sergio: shawn you're ruining it
Gilbert: you are supposed to go SHAWN: SNAKE CLAN, REPRESENT
Sergio: close enough

Tepig is unimpresssed

Sergio: so yeah
Sergio: Gen V
Sergio: (that's five)
Sergio: supposedly the reboot for the franchise
Shawn: i dont really see how its a reboot
Sergio: well they just did that so they could be lazy with designs I think
Sergio: like oh, rattatta analogue
Gilbert: Yeah they had a lot of similar pokemon as compared to the first Gen.
Gilbert: But maybe that was the point?
Shawn: they have always been lazy with desings
Shawn: there is a pidgey in every game
Gilbert: I think these designs were better than Gen IV.
Sergio: oh man definitely
Gilbert: Which was basically Animals with Spikes
Shawn: Yay, Verily
Sergio: these were all sorts of cute
Sergio: or failing that, pretty badass
Gilbert: I just really liked that they focused most of the game on all the new pokemon they introduced.
Gilbert: Rather than mixing them all up right from the start.
Sergio: yeah, that's why it was like the "reboot"
Sergio: it's supposed to be able to stand on its own
Sergio: which was great
Sergio: in fact, now that I've beaten it and the older pokemon are encroaching
Sergio: I get a bit annoyed
Shawn: Yes, I too am annoyed by fucking dudes with level 60 magikarps
Shawn: shits retarded
Sergio: that's kind of why I picked this one up
Sergio: cause it just sorta flipped the bird to everything prior
Gilbert: Until the end game anyways
Sergio: and I was pleasantly suprised by some gameplay tweaks, a plot, and awesome new poke mans
Shawn: ya know all the new pokemon is probably what kept me playing it
Gilbert: Which yeah i also hated, because I spent all this time getting to know these new ones
Shawn: because i remember starting heart gold and kinda getting bored with it
Gilbert: And then they throw 200 old ones right at you after you finish
Sergio: yeah no explanation either
Sergio: just
Gilbert: Yeah they oversaturated it in record time
Shawn: no there was a pokemon outbreak
Shawn: thats the explanation
Gilbert: I seriously ran into 10 different species in one patch of grass
Gilbert: while through the rest of the game you were lucky to find more than 3
Sergio: yeah it was like that Dustin Hoffman movie
Sergio: with the monkey
Sergio: except instead of ebola virus
Sergio: it was a pikachu
Gilbert: gotta catch that pikachu

The most adorable virus.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good or Blog 22

Whoa has it already been 22 episodes? It's our first palindrome! Well... our first palindrome with the number 2... The next one of those won't be for 99 more episodes! Another palindrome! REGARDLESS. This is GorBAFAP Episode 22!
I'm the one with the goofy smile.

This week we get all 8-bit in the April Fools podcast with absolutely zero fooling! Honest! Don't expect any, you'll just let yourself down! We talk about some crazy news stuff and then I get mad at John. What else is new, right?

Segment 2 starts with a bit of racism and a bunch of fun, as everyone everywhere stumbles confusedly the forest thicket I like to call Weekly Segments. Eventually the truth comes out and we find out how much everyone in the room dislikes living in the town we live in. WOWZERS.

Segment 3 has all its wishes come true as it takes its rightful place as The Star of the Program. Super special guest host Kailean and I share our own 8-bit masterpieces and we highlight some awesome chiptune enabled artists as well. How can anything get more punk rock than that, you ask? I'll tell you how! Exposing the racist underpinnings of the Mushroom Kingdom, dutifully explained by a poor imitation of Marcus's extraordinarily southern boss. We've been incepted! WE HAVE TO GO DEEPER!

Also, changing things up a bit on the downloading front. You can now get all of this year's episodes (except for the radical new year's one) in one handy mediafire location:

Or, if it floats your respective boat, you can hit up zshare:


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Good or Blog 21

Good or Blog makes its triumphant return to the podcast scene with a show that can now legally drink. This is Episode 21!

I'm a little ashamed of how much time went into this.

We start out by going through some pretty amazing new releases and introducing first time guest Jitz (I swear that's how you spell his name)! From there we play host to a cavalcade of guests that all come to talk about Pokemon and get stumped by my super easy sound effect quiz! Also we get super special guest stars Avendicus on the program trying to figure out how to use a phone! Truly a treat here, ladies and gentlemen. Also listen to the break where they get their first radio play. Surely they will cherish this moment FOR ALL TIME.

For the second segment we speed through a pretty sweet free shmup and some awesome deals and then SHIT GETS REAL. Taylor brings his philosophy question to the table and we talk about how excellent My Little Pony is and how much life sucks. Escapism or enjoying the time we're given? YOU DECIDE. Wait, no. We'll do that for you.

We wrap everything up with a pretty sweet Pokemon centered music segment! We compare old and new and expose a serious theft in the latest generation! Listen in to find out about this atrocity as well as to hear some sweet Pokemon dubstep and the catchiest pony song you will ever have destroy your brain.

Choose life.

Choose Ponies.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sergio's Grand Shmup Adventure

The Great Shoot-'Em-Up Review-A-Thon
Sergio's Grand Shmup Adventure

Anybody who knows me knows that I have quite the propensity for shoot-'em-up style video games. They're all those games where you're in a space ship dodging bullets and they tend to look like this:
This is my zen.

For whatever reason I simply cannot get enough of these goddamn things, even though as a teenager they stole what must amount to over 50 dollars in quarters from me. Whether it's the reflexes required, the cool looking power-ups, or the sheer grandiose nature of the game, here are some "shmups" I've been obsessed with lately and have decided to share my thoughts on.

Does not contain as many sharks as you would think.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Good or Blog 20

Ow my ears! Good or Blog is breaking down yet another self imposed deadline with Episode 20:

You probably need to listen to get it.

Whoa man have you seen that Battlefield 3 trailer!? It looks... like every other FPS these days. Listen as we dissect it and every other new release this week including Fight Night and Bit.Trip Flux! We also address this extremely important Charlie Sheen situation to piano ballads. Also GDC happened and a bunch of people got awards so I use the occasion to play the Minecraft soundtrack and plug art in video games.

Dang that last segment was long. But for our awesome fans we muster the energy to talk about video games. Wait... what? We actually talk about fisting? Oh god dammit. Eventually we get back on to something resembling the topic of video games and go into some steam steals and an incredibly aimless philosophy segment.

Finally we close with some kickin' tunes with no real theme. Except they're kinda sad! Still pretty kickass.

Here is the link:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Good or Blog 19

You can’t explain it! We’re Good or Blog and we’re here to discreetly inform and entertain you.

Link to Dat Ass

Whoa whoa whoa, the original Legend of Zelda turned 25 this week! We acknowledge this by barely discussing it at all but using it as an excuse to play sound effects and borderline unrelated music.

We also talk about Killzone, contreversy, Bill O’Reilly (again), the insanity that is 3DS cases (and launch titles), and the new Skyrim trailer. Also, Wii sex game!?

For segment 2 we talk about incredible Command & Conquer deals and really get serious about this whole piracy thing. Is it theft? Is it okay? What are these morals things?

We cap off this fantastic program with a batch of ecclectic Zelda mixes and some pretty touching revelations about the things we love. Also, we just cannot figure out how to use a phone? 

Gorge on the Amazing FAP:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good or Blog 18

This week things get punchy as we talk about Marvel vs. Capcom 3!

Deal With It.

That's right! This week we talk about everyone's favorite resurrected fighting franchise! No, not Mortal Kombat. No, not Street Fighter. No, not Samurai Showdown. That's it! Marvel vs. Capcom 3! We also talk about award winning game music! Zombies! Comic books! And grisly murder!

In the second segment I try and host a radio show while my surroundings are plunged into eternal chaos thanks to surprise co-hosts and a flagrant disregard for the topic at hand! Things get pretty heated folks, and I am pretty sure I threaten homicide on more than one occasion! No business like show business!

Finally we cap things off with some fighting game soundtracks and another Taylor diatribe about he is completely insane and without any hope for salvation. Good luck with that buddy!

Are you ready to get taken for a ride? Are you ready to get mad? If so, then take the plunge and download the show below:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Good or Blog 17

Happy V-Day! Why don't you kick back, enjoy a brew, and listen to Good or Blog Amazing Fantastic Audio Program  17: WHY is Love?

You could say this episode shows real heart.

We kick off with some good old fashioned nonsense, such as weekly releases, talk of mechanical rodents, rumors involving a certain Pro Skater and cancer, and bashing of the conservative media. It's as if someone stole my radio show about video games and turned it into madness!

Segment 2 has us all talking about free games, sound effects, and trains when, gasp! All of the sudden two common vagrants (Charles and Evan) bust in and hold us hostage with their sad analogies of love and digital loss. You will never be the same again after listening to this program.

We bring it on home with some good old fashioned rambling along with intermittent discussion and Charles performing a death metal voice over J-Pop. At least the music is good!

On a completely unrelated note, buy Red Bull.

Also, also Taylor should really check his facts.

As always here is the download link:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good or Blog 16

Welcome to a whole new semester of shenanigans with the first new episode of season 2:
Good or Blog Episode 16: DERP Space 2!

We're such good friends.

We kick off the new season by declaring all previous episodes non-canon. That’s right newcomers, jump right in! Right into some horrible new releases and intriguing discussions about the PSP2 announcement, Dead Space 2, Demon’s Souls 2, and more!

In the next segment we get the rare show crossover as Chris of On Hold joins us to talk about a free sequel, steals of the Steam variety, and the merits of making endless iterations of the same tired crap!

Finally we hold our “annual” music segment and John shares the sad and lonely tale of Ancient Lake. Chris experiences enlightenment at the hands of my thoughtful song choice and we all laugh at the horrible wreck my mind has become since I was last “on air”. Stay tuned for the next one folks, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

As always, here is the link:

Monday, January 10, 2011

God of War 3 vs. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

My cousin asks me how close this all is to Shadow of the Colossus. Without even pausing the game, I turn to give him a blank stare. It's okay, I'm mashing square, I barely have to pay attention anyways as Kratos twirls like a flaming top with a scowl on top of a giant monster that the series never acknowledges as his grandfather. Over the span of maybe 15 minutes, Kratos launches himself all over it's body, attacking boils, fending off skeletons, and pulling fingernails. On the back of the creature is the temple where about 70% of the original game took place, so I'm glad that's been trivialized. After stabbing his way across the thing's body, fighting a skull monster that crawls out of a boil, crawling out of the esophagus, and finally stabbing his giant forehead with a tiny magic sword the beast is at last slain. I say beast, but for the duration of the fight it was taunting and chastising Kratos, asking things like "WHY DO YOU FLEE, KRATOS?" as he crawls up the giant's arm.

This has about as much in common with Shadow of the Colossus as Transformers 2 does with Citizen Kane. They uh... both use cameras?


Through some kind of cosmic event I happened to play and beat both of these games in the span of about a week after not being anywhere near a major console for the better part of 5 months. My cousin pushed me through God of War 3 on Christmas Eve and Day, got Lords of Shadow as a gift and beat it in the days thereafter. God of War 3 is a truly bombastic and outrageous experience. It's a livid child, reading a book on Greek mythology as loud as he can while running around a playground. One minute he's yelling about Poseidon (skimming the details) and rolling down a slide, the next minute he's moved on to Hercules while he attempts hand stands on the monkey bars. Lords of Shadow, in contrast, is a subdued experience. It's framed as classic literature and unfolds accordingly, short chapters encourage frequent breaks, and exposition comes often and in detail in the form of the Shakespearean tones of Patrick Stewart as well as found documents. So who plays host to the better experience, Gabriel Belmont or Kratos (he doesn't have a last name, but I like to pretend it's Protagonist)?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX – 1/1 – Henry Arrambide

Common Occurrence. 

    Being born of the NES/SNES generation and starting there, developing a fuller palate during the N64/PSX generation, and then coming to gaming maturity (hahahahahahah good one) during the Xbox/PS2/GCN (never understood the GCN abbreviation)  generation, there are certain biases and stereotypes I’d probably be expected to carry – “New games are shit, OoT is the best game ever, jRPG’s are the best genre, Western Devs suck, all you kids play is Halo and CoD, grimdark sucks, Gears of War doesn’t have enough color, old games (pre-snes) are too ugly and don’t have storylines, there’s no point in playing Donkey Kong, Zelda created everything.” I think that’s enough.

    Well…all the kids are playing is Call of Duty. But you know what? Gears of War is great. Donkey Kong is great. Pre-snes games are fantastic because they aren’t trying to tell a story or be a movie, they’re trying to be games. Which brings me to Pac-Man.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Good or Blog Episode 15

I always keep my promises. Mostly.

I think it deserves a platinum trophy.

I promised I would make at least one show during the Winter break and here you go, fair listeners. Serving as the one year anniversary of the podcast, this episode also has the honor of being the most populated show with five guests plus your humble host. We all recount our 2010 games of the year as well as giving some reasons to look forward to the years ahead. Try and take us seriously as apparently none of us even played video games this year.

Segment 2 is our impromptu award ceremony, as we give out our own personal awards to whatever we want dammit. Also Vince opines the deliciousness of cold truth. More like delicious mess, AMIRITE?

Finally, we close with our regular music segment and provide proof positive that not a single one of us has good taste in music. Seriously, Vince? You're gonna pick a song from Mortal Kombat that sounds the least like a Mortal Kombat song?

After laboriously editing each segment (I can't wait to get back to the radio), I put all three files in a single zip folder:


Also I feel like I need to explain the genres tags.

Also also, be warned. We tend to curse like fuckin' sailors without the shackles of an associated organization.