Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good or Blog 27

I am in tears! Good or Blog Amazing Fantastic Audio Program comes to an end for the foreseeable future in:

He sure seems surprised.

For the last episode of the semester we take things easy, just have a slow going, relaxing, run of the mill program. EXCEPT NOT REALLY. The whole gang joins for a final blast of hilarity in the form of a clip show. But before that we discuss The Art of Video Games, and some quick new releases.

We end on a somber tone this week as the Amazing FAP comes to a close. Could this be the end of GorBAFAP? Listen to find out!

And here is the compendium:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Good or Blog 26

My ears hurt! This must be:
My phone has a shitty camera. Sue me.

I can't tell you how many times I've driven to Austin to see Anamanaguchi play a live show. Wait. Yes I can. Once. But we here at GorBAFAP don't go North too often, so this is kind of a big deal. Alongside the interesting punk rock road trip we also talk about... sigh... Harry Potter, but also some more CODYBLOPS, games about abortion, a certain awesome fan translation, and a bit more 3DS.

Segment 2 has some gator talk, and I play a few more My Little Pony clips. It is truly bizarre. There's also a pretty interesting freebie of the week and we talk about... THE FUTURE.

Finally, for the music segment I play some save game music, some serene and some pretty bumpin', we discover Taylor doesn't know how to work headphones, and we get some pretty sweet harmonies. 

If you want to get a shout out for the last episode, don't forget to put your handle, or name or whatever on this here list:

As always here is the link to the episode:

And here is the compendium: