Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Good or Blog 25

GET OVER HERE uh... ya'll? It's Good or Blog Amazing Fantastic Audio Program: Episode 25!

Is it just me, or is his finger impossibly long?

You will not believe the amount of disinterest this crew can muster for so many exciting things! Portal 2 came out and those collected have experienced a grand total of twenty minutes which all belong to me, so  expect discussion in that area to be limited. We also discuss the new Mortal Kombat in further depth and investigate the current PSN debacle, the new Nintendo console and some boring FTC junk! Also I challenge everyone listening to get mad at Taylor for drinking his goddamn soda so close to the mic. Taylor, please die.

Segment 2 sees us discussing alcoholic beverages and Russian first person shooters. We then go into the merits of shameless remakes and shitty ports. FASCINATING.

Finally, the music segment has music and very little else in the way of on topic discussion. I also make the startling announcement that there will be no show next semester, making the next few episodes the last. I hope you are very broken up about this. To help temper your crippling sadness I've made it possible to write your name down (or hell make up a name) and you will become part of the final GorBAFAP. Limited time offer so act now!

Just add your name to the list here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a9tTMCBzAn4Qz2Hg79d_bYbOevjKsDfxmUr0_JbzRk0/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJ7L-9EM

Finally, here are your download sources:

Pretty dang kawaii

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good or Blog 24

Good or Blog transitions into 3D! Listen in to the ramblings of madmen who are supposed to be talking about the Nintendo 3DS!

I guess we sorta do?

Whoa we be talkin' about video games! We do this to the sweet sultry background tones of Jesus: Kyōfu no Bio Monster. I... I have no idea why! Going into news we discuss the impending bombshell of Portal 2 (which is no longer impending) as well as some of the far less relevant releases of the week. We also go into some talk of the 3DS which I have totally touched with my own hands! It's all pretty exciting and culminates in some more anime talk and a bit of the old Blazblue! (I love my Blazblue)

There is also far too much discussion about the stupidity of the Harry Potter universe. Can someone explain why this keeps coming up? I really cannot. 

Segment 2 provides proof of the existence of ghosts! I talk about a cool satirical RPG as well as some amazing steam deals and the nature of reality. It really is quite the adventure. (Not really, I just wanted an excuse to play a song made by a Japanese robot girl)

Finally, there's a music segment that everyone can get along with. We play some video game dubstep remixes and comment on their utter badness or lack thereof. Come along on a fantastic voyage of beats and bass!

The GorB Compendium resides at this location:

And the single episode rests here:

Also, try and keep this on the down low, but if you listen to this wonderful program regularly you should somehow contact me with your handle or real name so I can give shout outs during the last episode of this semester. Shhhhh....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good or Blog 23

Lord have mercy, the sounds of the savior are taking over! It's... IT'S... GOOD OR BLOG AMAZING FANTASTIC AUDIO PROGRAM 23!
It's... a metaphor?

We kick off this very special episode by talking about some mediocre weekly releases and also the animes! In particular, we're joined by fellow radio show host Tad of Anytime is Train Time to talk about the impending live action Akira, as well as some Mortal Kombat, some huntin' gaemz, and the finer points of World War 2 era sniping!

In segment 2, GorBAFAP get's a spiritual advisor in the form of Aaron Gillespie of Underoath and The Almost fame. We talk about tattoos, the best continent, and every now and then a little bit of that Jesus guy. He woos us, serenades us, and just as quickly disappears into the aether. Quite the guy!

We cap off the episode with a quick music segment playing host to some relaxing songs and another case of Pokemon theft as well as some prospective GorB shirts. A possibility? No. Definitely no. You should listen solely for the finer points of Japanese for native English speakers at the end!

So here are the links to the GorB Compendium*

http://www.mediafire.com/?autqub5zyznxb - The main vault, has all episodes this season.

And in case you didn't notice, there are in fact two versions of this week's show. I know not everyone is crazy for Jesus, so I took the liberty of making a few key edits in the Aaron Gillespie interview. Hopefully you will find this version more politically correct.

http://www.mediafire.com/?5uqhn2yg9xre71b - GorB 23 (sans Jesus)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pokémon Black and White Group Review

Sergio entered the room.
Gilbert entered the room.
Shawn entered the room.
Sergio: who wants to review some poke mans
Shawn: no one apparently
Sergio: well okay
Sergio: how about we start with why we each picked up this generation
Sergio: SERGIO: uh
Sergio: otter clan?
Sergio: yes
Shawn: pig clan?
Sergio: shawn you're ruining it
Gilbert: you are supposed to go SHAWN: SNAKE CLAN, REPRESENT
Sergio: close enough

Tepig is unimpresssed

Sergio: so yeah
Sergio: Gen V
Sergio: (that's five)
Sergio: supposedly the reboot for the franchise
Shawn: i dont really see how its a reboot
Sergio: well they just did that so they could be lazy with designs I think
Sergio: like oh, rattatta analogue
Gilbert: Yeah they had a lot of similar pokemon as compared to the first Gen.
Gilbert: But maybe that was the point?
Shawn: they have always been lazy with desings
Shawn: there is a pidgey in every game
Gilbert: I think these designs were better than Gen IV.
Sergio: oh man definitely
Gilbert: Which was basically Animals with Spikes
Shawn: Yay, Verily
Sergio: these were all sorts of cute
Sergio: or failing that, pretty badass
Gilbert: I just really liked that they focused most of the game on all the new pokemon they introduced.
Gilbert: Rather than mixing them all up right from the start.
Sergio: yeah, that's why it was like the "reboot"
Sergio: it's supposed to be able to stand on its own
Sergio: which was great
Sergio: in fact, now that I've beaten it and the older pokemon are encroaching
Sergio: I get a bit annoyed
Shawn: Yes, I too am annoyed by fucking dudes with level 60 magikarps
Shawn: shits retarded
Sergio: that's kind of why I picked this one up
Sergio: cause it just sorta flipped the bird to everything prior
Gilbert: Until the end game anyways
Sergio: and I was pleasantly suprised by some gameplay tweaks, a plot, and awesome new poke mans
Shawn: ya know all the new pokemon is probably what kept me playing it
Gilbert: Which yeah i also hated, because I spent all this time getting to know these new ones
Shawn: because i remember starting heart gold and kinda getting bored with it
Gilbert: And then they throw 200 old ones right at you after you finish
Sergio: yeah no explanation either
Sergio: just
Gilbert: Yeah they oversaturated it in record time
Shawn: no there was a pokemon outbreak
Shawn: thats the explanation
Gilbert: I seriously ran into 10 different species in one patch of grass
Gilbert: while through the rest of the game you were lucky to find more than 3
Sergio: yeah it was like that Dustin Hoffman movie
Sergio: with the monkey
Sergio: except instead of ebola virus
Sergio: it was a pikachu
Gilbert: gotta catch that pikachu

The most adorable virus.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good or Blog 22

Whoa has it already been 22 episodes? It's our first palindrome! Well... our first palindrome with the number 2... The next one of those won't be for 99 more episodes! Another palindrome! REGARDLESS. This is GorBAFAP Episode 22!
I'm the one with the goofy smile.

This week we get all 8-bit in the April Fools podcast with absolutely zero fooling! Honest! Don't expect any, you'll just let yourself down! We talk about some crazy news stuff and then I get mad at John. What else is new, right?

Segment 2 starts with a bit of racism and a bunch of fun, as everyone everywhere stumbles confusedly the forest thicket I like to call Weekly Segments. Eventually the truth comes out and we find out how much everyone in the room dislikes living in the town we live in. WOWZERS.

Segment 3 has all its wishes come true as it takes its rightful place as The Star of the Program. Super special guest host Kailean and I share our own 8-bit masterpieces and we highlight some awesome chiptune enabled artists as well. How can anything get more punk rock than that, you ask? I'll tell you how! Exposing the racist underpinnings of the Mushroom Kingdom, dutifully explained by a poor imitation of Marcus's extraordinarily southern boss. We've been incepted! WE HAVE TO GO DEEPER!

Also, changing things up a bit on the downloading front. You can now get all of this year's episodes (except for the radical new year's one) in one handy mediafire location:

Or, if it floats your respective boat, you can hit up zshare: