Friday, December 31, 2010

Vanquish - 1/1 (Last post of the year here I come!)

Vanquish - 1/1 - Henry Arrambide

Gears of War meets Bayonetta? I'm in.

    I love Mega Man. There’s like fiftysomething Mega Man games, right? Well, the mechanics of Mega Man are so arcadey and simple yet so open to different play styles that it just makes the game so replayable. Removed from just one game and placed into say the X series or the Zero series or some other franchise, it still works because it’s still the same great mechanics, just with new level layouts and challenges demanding your knowledge of the mechanics. DooM works in the very same manner; Final DooM and DooM 2 are very much the same mechanics in new levels. Gears of War operates on a similar level, which is why Horde is so engrossing. Tetris may be the leanest example of this idea: screw pretty paintjobs and “new” areas, levels, or some bullshit story to string you along. You’re here to stack blocks and so let’s get right to it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Good or Blog Audio Program 14

Remember when I told you the last episode was the last episode? I lied. So welcome to Good or Blog Audio 14: I am the Wind Waker, It's Me

This is how most our conversations go anyways.

This week is special in that during the entire episode I am bleeding profusely from the mouth! That and no real news has occurred since the previous episode, making this one more of a sendoff to this semester. It plays out like  Christmas Special where I start alone, when suddenly! A knock at the door! It's my guests and they come bearing tacos! We then proceed to talk about video games and also not video games.

We talk about the VGAs, Mortal Kombat, and Grinches, and close out with some festive music. We then speed through the weekly segments talking about creepy poetry and creepy game sales, and finally cap the whole thing off with a bit of music and some thanks, we may also make a dick joke here and there. A class act through and through.

Here is the link:

Anywho! Thank you for listening! Thank you for reading! And don't forget to join me next semester for Season 2!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Good or Blog Audio Program 13

For perhaps the last episode of the semester everyone gears up and gets ready for the last challenge, Episode 13: Finals Boss.

So here we are.

With the next week a little unclear we here at Good or Blog decide to go out with a bang and grace your ears with the greatest episode yet. We open with weekly releases from last week as well (having missed it) and talk about such hits as Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Epic Mickey, Assassin's Creed Broho, and Need for Speed Hot Fursuit (you read that right). Ryan Reynolds is brought up and the whole show becomes sexier for it. Also I make a daring repair rescue while the other guys blather about Wikipedia or something? Pfff, NERDS.

Segment 2 has the usual suspects, free games, no deals, and our deepest philosophy question yet. Turns out, we all die! Don't miss it! (Also you can get the free game mentioned here)

For our last segment we're joined by a guest and break out the imagination box and discuss our hypothetical final boss battles and the soundtracks therein. More last minute repairs follow, and we get some pretty unique pics and I find out how unimaginative I am. CODYBLOPS STOLE MY IDEA.

Anyways, we're gonna try something new and forego Mr. Megaupload, here is a direct link: Good or Blog Audio Program 13.mp3