Vanquish - 1/1 - Henry Arrambide
Gears of War meets Bayonetta? I'm in.
I love Mega Man. There’s like fiftysomething Mega Man games, right? Well, the mechanics of Mega Man are so arcadey and simple yet so open to different play styles that it just makes the game so replayable. Removed from just one game and placed into say the X series or the Zero series or some other franchise, it still works because it’s still the same great mechanics, just with new level layouts and challenges demanding your knowledge of the mechanics. DooM works in the very same manner; Final DooM and DooM 2 are very much the same mechanics in new levels. Gears of War operates on a similar level, which is why Horde is so engrossing. Tetris may be the leanest example of this idea: screw pretty paintjobs and “new” areas, levels, or some bullshit story to string you along. You’re here to stack blocks and so let’s get right to it.